Study Topics

Through conferences, formation days and study groups we try to study the following topics:
- Relation between faith and reason
- Questions about the existence of God
- Existence of the soul and eternal life
- Bible, Tradition and Magisterium of the Church
- Reformation and Counter-Reformation
- Dating and Pre-marital Relationships
- Vocation to Religious Life
- The three great immoral enterprises of a sexualized society: Pornography, Contraception and Abortion
- Natural Order and Gender Ideology
- Politics and Religion
- Spirituality of the Cross
- Not liberal, Not conservative: simply Catholic
- Chastity
- Black History and Legends
- Sense of Life
- Persecuted Christians
Days of Formation
Formation Days are conferences that offer an opportunity for young people to receive a solid formation and to have the necessary tools to know and defend their Catholic faith. Catholic professionals, university teachers, priests and authors give lectures on basic and current topics: the existence of God, immortality of the soul, science and faith, Church history, bioethics, engagement and family, etc. This commitment takes place in an atmosphere of joy, friendship, prayer and many other cultural and formative activities.
Periodic Small Meetings
The various small groups of Voces Verbi hold more regular meetings throughout the year than the annual formation days.
In these meetings we combine various activities such as prayer, formation, recreation, etc.