
We want to make correct use of the media, since the Internet is the modern Areopagus in which Voces Verbi wants to be present to spread the Gospel to the ends of the world.
Besides the presence in the social networks, we want to offer digital formation material such as books, conferences, audios, etc.
Visits to Schools
Aware that the advocates of atheism “fight religion with violence and spread atheism also by using the means of pressure available to the public authorities, especially in the field of youth education” (Gaudium et Spes n. 20), we want to encourage the environment of schools to witness the Catholic faith and defend it from ideological attacks such as those of gender theory.
To do this, we organize conferences, class meetings and various educational activities in school and university environments, addressing touching issues such as the meaning of life, the existence of God, engagement, sexuality, happiness and trying to answer the main doubts about faith.
Popular Missions
“Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature” (Mac 16:15). We do not want to be deaf to this vocation that commits every Christian.
The popular missions that brought so much fruit in the evangelizing work of the Church, can be the occasion for God to work the miracles of His grace in a society so de-Christianized and so Christophobic as ours.
In a popular mission we visit the houses of a certain region or parish to invite people to be reconciled with God and to strengthen their relationship with Him. The “mission center” also offers various devotional, catechetical, cultural and recreational activities. The popular mission is a time of conversion, grace and joy in the Lord.
Pro-Life Apostolate
Against the “culture of death” made up of abortion, euthanasia, the devious biological will and other dramatic realities, we want to promote an authentic “culture of life” that defends births and supports the natural family.
For this reason we reinforce our commitment to the fight against abortion, to defend the rights of every conceived child, every mother, every human person. We are aware, as Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, that “today the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion”.
Concretely, we are mainly committed to participate in the March for Life and to carry out initiatives such as the prayer of the “Rosary for Life” in front of abortion clinics, the leafleting in universities to raise awareness of the reality of abortion, the writing of articles in defense of life and filming videos to disprove the false myths that defend abortion and any other threat to the dignity of human life.
Volunteer Works
In order to bring to completion the words of Christ who said “whoever will have given even a glass of fresh water to one of these little ones, for he is my disciple, in truth I say to you: he will not lose his reward” (Mt 10:32), we commit ourselves to visiting the elderly, the sick and to supporting the poorest missions of the religious family of the Incarnate Word, in whose bosom we were born.
Saint Vincent de Paul said that the poor and the suffering represent the Son of God, Who was in turn poor and suffering on the Cross. For this reason one of the apostolates of Voces Verbid is works of charity, also called the “corporal” works of mercy.
These works are carried out above all by visiting the sick or elderly in nursing homes, alleviating their physical and spiritual suffering through dialogue, listening or even active service together with the staff of the house.